This would be the major reason for the blog being so quiet this month . The needles were clicking right along with Christmas knitting. Well the big night (we celebrate Christmas Eve ) has come and gone and all the recipients (except one, who'll get hers shortly ) are happily wearing their hand knits. You can tell that I had just a bit of Noro in the stash . BTW the Noro striped scarf is just one scarf , couldn't decide which pic I liked best so posted both . This scarf was for Casey , who since his teens, wouldn't wear Mom's knits. Something about cool factor . Well he definitely likes this .Who'd a thought it possible - knitting and hand knits are now cool !
On reflection of the year past , it has been a good year. There were some challenges and sometimes I've felt like I'm on an emotional roller coaster ride , but we are a very fortunate family in so many ways . We have all our necessities of life and then some left over for things like a wool stash . Most importantly though ,we have each other and some very dear friends . I've lived with some losses over the years and realize that we only have today so we should try to make the most of it . I'm generally a private person , which makes it surprising that I even started blogging in the first place . So , for whoever reads this blog please forgive this lapse into sentimentality ; it's the season and I couldn't help myself . That's my story and I'm sticking to it .
After writing this I'll start packing for our week away from snow and Casey's wedding . Great idea to have a wedding in the Caribbean in January ! So on that note I wish everyone who reads this a very happy, healthy and wonderful New Year - catch you in 2008 !