Monday, March 21, 2011

March ...

...the month I lost my get up and go . Don't know where it went , but I want it back ! The month started out very promising with a girls escape to Vermont for a couple of days with BF Shirley . I have a soft spot for Vermont as that was our honeymoon destination almost 36 years ago . We had a really nice time , did a little shopping , enjoyed some excellent meals and just relaxed .

From there on in it was kind of downhill . Between all the everyday must do , should dos , don't want to do , but did it anyway , grey snowy winter skies , taxes , bad news everywhere you look , I got into a real funk . Not even expected babies , babies already here and a cute 2 year old could lift the fog . Not knitting , not reading blogs , not commenting , nothing . Then about 10 days ago I developed a severe allergic reaction to god only knows what on my hands , in particular my left hand . I mean severe . Blisters on my palms , fingers so swollen and blistered that I couldn't even close them . Burning and itching so much that I could have pulled off my skin . After 3 visits to the ER , a few sleepless nights , the final diagnosis was a severe allergic reaction . Meds were prescribed , creams applied , antihistamines taken and finally the swelling is down , but my hands are super sensitive to the slightest touch . It's painful , but getting better . I'm wearing cotton gloves to keep from doing more damage . I don't know what caused it all , but bets are on a new leather sofa that was delivered just before this all started . That was the only new thing in the house . It was suggested that I do a little test on another area of my skin , but I don't think so ....

Knitting wise , before the wheels fell off , I did finish the baby blanket and mittens from my last post . The sweater is still waiting to be seamed , but I did start another blanket for Stella . She's due any day now , but I'm hoping that she holds on just a tiny bit longer . This blanket is knit on 7mm needles with the softest yarn . I'm about 3/4 done . Slowly the fog is lifting ....