The birthday boys - Opa , Casey and Max
Hi again ! It just seems like so many other things have claimed my time this month that blogging has fallen by the wayside . September , the short version , my father arrived from Austria a few weeks ago , so the family is here often , make that just about all the time . It seems like I have a revolving front door and an open kitchen . We celebrated three birthdays this month .As well Mike and Max put a new roof on the house . I had a mammogram this month and have to go back for a follow up with my doctor this week . Just to make life more interesting , I managed to catch a humdinger of a cold . So that's September, mostly good stuff , but some crappy stuff thrown in .
Murano socks
Today is cold and rainy , a perfect day to get in some knitting . I finished a pair of socks for my
September sock KAL , but I REALLY have to get Mason's sweater finished . It's been stalled at the halfway point of the first sleeve . The body has been blocking on my ironing board for at least two weeks . Shows you how often I iron anything . Socktoberfest kicks off tomorrow and I'm trying to ignore the urge to cast on for another pair of socks . With a bit of luck and perseverance maybe I can get the first sleeve done today...