Back in action after being missing for 10 days . I've been run off my feet . Jessey was sick , thankfully not the flu , but a nasty throat infection giving him a fever for a few days and just feeling generally miserable . I baby sat him so that Chantal wouldn't miss work . It was just as well that he stayed away from daycare , by Friday he was much better . Today he's back to normal . He also stayed with us Saturday until Sunday . His first overnight with me ! Casey and Chantal had a long planned weekend getaway . I'm having Jessey withdrawal today ...
My dad left for Austria on Saturday . I'd had the family and friends over for dinners a couple of nights last week on top of the baby sitting and we had a very nice belated birthday dinner for my father on Friday night . At least that was at a restaurant and I didn't have to cook . This was a shorter than normal visit and just seemed to fly by .
The sweaters for Dylan & Evan are finished. They're not matchy /matchy , but I'm happy with them . I've got sweater # 5 on the go right now . The deadline for that is Sunday , just in time for Tara's baby shower . I'd like to knit a matching hat , we'll see how it goes ...