Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A Benylin day

No , I'm not sick with a cold but I feel like I could use a day of playing hooky . I'm attributing these blahs to the lack of sun these days . January has been unusually warm , grey, and rainy . I'm not complaining about the warm so much , but the dull skies are getting on my nerves .Rain here ends up being treacherous as soon as everything freezes . According to the weatherman we should see the sun today . Hurray !!!

Jessey has been sick again , consequently I've been babysitting . He's finally better and back to daycare . Omi is having a teeny bit of Jessey withdrawal today. That also accounts for the blahs . He is just such a ray of sunshine , even when he's sick . He loves to cuddle with you .

Baby sitting means little knitting time and by the end of the day Omi 's get up and go has got up and went . Hence no finished knits . I'm at the second sleeve of Delphine's sweater . I bought buttons for it last weekend so it shouldn't be long now , especially if I take a Benylin day .

Have a good day , hope it's sunny where you are ....

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Delphine's sweater

A week ago on Tuesday Chantal 's cousin Isabelle gave birth to a beautiful baby girl . Isabelle had asked me back in October to knit a sweater for her baby girl expected on Jan 26th . I immediately said yes . Having knit mostly for boys I couldn't miss the opportunity to knit something lacy in pink . I'd planned to start this sweater right after New Years' but Mike's socks were already on the needles . Also after going through the stash , no pink yarn , surprise, surprise . That meant a trip to my LYS ( I know , such a hardship ) for some yarn . I was good though and limited my purchase to just what I needed . Well that was last Tuesday the day that Delphine decided to come into the world . What a coincidence !

I immediately cast on for Elizabeth Zimmerman's February Baby Sweater . Everything went along swimmingly until I reached the sleeves . EZ's instructions are as clear as mud for this portion of the knit . Having knit this sweater before , but failing to make notes , I couldn't remember how I'd worked it the last time around . Ravelry and some wonderful knitters who did leave notes came to the rescue . Since I've got past the irksome problems I'm throughly enjoying this knit . I can't wait to give it to Isabelle !

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Mike's socks

The first finished knit for 2010 is a pair of socks for my DH . He's been feeling a little neglected in the hand knit sock department . In addition to my intention to clean out /knit up yarn , I've added husband socks to my resolutions for stash reduction . It seems a waste for all that yarn to be just sitting there unloved and unused .

The pattern is a simple waffle rib and the yarn is Lana Grossa Meilenweit Merino . I'm a teeny bit worried how these socks will hold up in wearing . That's been an issue for some sock knitters , but better knit up than sitting in the closet . Mike loves them and is more than happy to have them . He put them on right after they were off the needles and the ends sewn in . Nice to knit for someone who appreciates it ...

Friday, January 8, 2010

Closing out 2009...

...with two finished knits . I'd blogged about these shortly before Christmas but never posted any photos . The first FO were a pair of socks knitted for Shirley's DIL Robin . She's joined the family and is now on the list for hand knit socks . I knit a tiny pair for Sidney , but didn't alas no photos of his . The yarn used for these came from stash and is the Elann Sock it to Me 4 ply . I knit up a simple garter rib pattern which seems to be the best use for this yarn . More intricate or lacy patterns get lost in the striping . I have a few more balls of this in the stash and let me tell you I'll be glad when they're gone . I'm so over stripes !

Next up in the FO is another stash buster . A one row scarf a la Yarn Harlot . I love this pattern because it's reversible and suitable for just about anyone , man , woman or child . This yarn was Berroco's Ultra Alpaca in a gorgeous dark blue with hints of pink and purple highlights called blueberry mix . This is simply a fantastic yarn to work with ; I'm sure more will find its way to me in the future . Ruby (my neighbour Cory's mom ) was so happy to receive this . She's also an avid reader and has passed on some of her books to me , this scarf was by way of a thank you . She 's in her eighties and a hoot to be around . She's got more stories to tell and an opinion about everything , but in a good way .
It's been a good start to the new year , busy with the family as usual . I'm over the cold thankfully , but now Mike's having his turn with it . He's wishing that I'd kept it to myself . I've been knitting quite a lot this week , when I'm not reading that is . The Kindle has not lost it's attraction yet . I should have something to show on the next post .
Have a good weekend , stay warm , hoping it's not too wintery where you are !