The socks in question are my green St. Paddy's day socks . I started these way back in February thinking that the early start would have them completed in time for March 17th . Wishful thinking . I can't put my finger on what it is that irks me so and makes knitting them a test of determination . The closest I can come to a reason for my dislike is the fit . I sometimes have issues on that score with patterns that have you cast on 64 stitches . They always seem on the loose side to me .They feel big and baggy around the ankles . I'm also having some issues with the yarn which is splitty , unusual for Regia . Modifying the number of stitches cast on would mean going down to 48 stitches making them too small even with an adjustment for needle size . Anyways finally have one done and will plug along on the second . My sock a month KAL has bitten the dust yet again .
Thankfully the other project on the needles is a joy to knit . The shawl is coming along very well . I'm halfway through the required repeats of chart B. The challenge will be at the end which has some new to me techniques . Should be interesting ...