Christmas has come and gone . We had a beautiful Christmas Eve with the family , lots of good food , laughter and special moments . As you can imagine our Christmas was extra special with Mason's early arrival . Mason pretty much slept through the whole thing , even though he was passed around like the proverbial hot potato with everyone oohing and aahing over him . One of my favourite pictures from Christmas Eve is this one of Jessey
having a closer look at Mason . He's completely intrigued by his little cousin . He kisses him every chance he gets . Just think , next year if all goes well , there will be one more baby here at Christmas . What fun !
My bathroom scale is showing me the results off all that good food. One of the resolutions for the new year will be to get rid of those couple of extra pounds that I put on this fall and over the holidays . To that end Mike and I bought ourselves some cross country skis as our Christmas gift to each other . God knows we live in a place that generally gets enough snow over our long winter to make it a worthwhile purchase . We used to go skiing often , but somehow got out of the habit the last few years . We haven't tried them out yet as I'm still got that damn cold . I cough and cough and have absolutely no energy . If I'm not feeling any better in the next couple of days ,and the cough doesn't let up , I'll head over to the clinic early next week . Thankfully except for New Years Eve , this a quiet week . I'm keeping my fingers crossed that a little rest and lots of fluids will kick this cold .
As for the knitting most of what was important got done , the rest will be taken care of in the next week or so . I did finish the socks , pictures next time ....