Friday, August 31, 2012

Distracted again

new socks in progress

new dishcloths
I really should be working on Masons' sweater but this is what's on the needles . Now , how did that happen ! Off to enjoy the last long weekend of the summer . Have a great one wherever you are !

Monday, August 27, 2012

A busy weekend

This weekend our town had it's annual Eco Market . This event features products and crafts from local producers and artisans . They have everything from local wines to makers of handmade soap , alpaca yarn and knitted items ,  stained glass and wood products .There's live music , different foods to sample , it's just wonderful way to while away a day . The weather this weekend was spectacular if a little on the warm side . Last year they had a torrential rainstorm , so this year the exhibitors were very happy despite the heat .

The setting , L'ile St. Bernard is so very pretty , right on Lac St. Louis and opposite the Island of Montreal . This property belonged to the Grey nuns who established a settlement there in the 1700s. A large part of the island is now a protected wildlife site . Our municipality bought it a couple of years ago in the hopes of keeping it so . Developers have been eager to buy it , but thanks to our mayor , a group of wildlife conservationists and a number of concerned local citizens we're able to keep it a protected zone . For me this is my little 'peaceful ' corner . I love to go and just sit on the shore and just enjoy the fresh air , the water and gaze out on  lake . Sometimes I bring my knitting or a book , but often times I just go to sit and just breathe . Best medicine and destessor ever !

You did notice that I mentioned yarn , right . One of the exhibitors there again this year was the owner of these two sweet girls . The came from Alpagas des Hauts Vents . I first visited this farm a couple of years ago when they had an open house in conjunction with the alpaca farmers association .  I'm currently knitting Colour Affection shawl with some yarn that I bought there . The owners are a fantastic young couple , very eager to talk about the alpacas and the yarn and the knitted or crocheted items that can be made from their fleece . Needless to say I bought more yarn , but in my defense , I had a project in mind , so it really wasn't an impulse buy . At least that's what I told Mike , who kind of looked at me in amazement , and reminded me of the ' yarn shop ' in the spare bedroom . I reminded him of his purchases , a couple of bottles of wine , some very nice smelling hand made soap , that sort of made us even in the area of not completely necessary purchases .

Here's my haul , which doesn't seem overly extravagant if you ask me. The real indulgences were the two shawl pins . The one on the left is carved from a piece of moose antler . That will be going back to Austria with my dad as a gift for my stepmother . The little bird is mine ! I just love the simplicity and the tinge of blue . He's worked from a piece of maple . You can't get more Canadian than moose antler and maple , eh ?!

Friday, August 24, 2012

It's been awhile

It feels like the last days of summer are upon us already . The days are getting shorter and the nights are cooler and the kids are going back to school. It's going by way to fast for my liking . We've had a wonderful summer . I spent a lot of time outdoors , in the pool trying to keep cool , under a shady tree reading and sometimes knitting and trying to keep up with the gardening /weeding .We haven't had very much rain this summer and the only thing that keeps on giving is the weeds . We 've had watering restrictions and the flowers are looking a little bedraggled and worse for wear. I didn't get on my bike as much as I did last summer, it was just too darn hot . I did however get in some early morning or late evening walks .

Lately reaping the harvest from the garden has kept me busy . We share a pretty substantial garden plot with our next door neighbours on land that is owned by Hydro Quebec . Hydro uses it to run a small feeder line and because it's on land that is zoned residential they have to cut the grass and maintain it . About 3 years ago Mike and our neighbour decided to plant a small garden there,  yup they're squatters . Hydro is aware of it because a few their crews have come down the street to do the maintenace on the lines , and they no longer send anyone to cut the grass . So far its a win/win situation . Of course over the years that garden has grown considerably . This year we planted about 20 tomato plants, some zucchini , green beans , cucumbers and peppers . Our neighbours Fred and Melanie have planted that and so much more, everything from beets, cabbage , broccoli and different varieties of greens , to strawberries and cantaloup . They are super enthusiastic gardeners to say the least . We 're stocking our freezers and sharing the extra with family and friends . All of our grandkids are always going over to see what's ready in Grandpa's garden and helping him pick something good to eat . Casey and Chantal have planted a small garden at their house too so Jessey and Stella can some fun .

 There is knitting to show you but 'bleepity bleep ' blogger won't let me upload my photo of the finished Cherry Lane socks for some reason . Here's the ravelry link . I really , really love these socks ! There are new socks on the needles already , cos you know , fall is just around the corner . Mason's sweater is at the top of my priority list for pretty much the same reason .So much to do so little time ...

That's it for today , till we meet again , have a good day ! Maybe blogger will sort itself out by then and I can actually show you more of what I've been up to... .

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

My summer of knitter's ADD

It started innocently enough with this shawl . It's the Simple Yet Effective shawl by Evelyn Chau . I had some Noro sock yarn that I really wanted to get out of the stash  .

Everything was going well until I saw this pattern . Yup , the Color Affection shawl ! Before I knew it I had cast on . After all I had some really nice yarn that was just meant for this particular pattern . Unfortunately for all my good intentions some really hot and humid summer weather kicked in right about then . That put paid to my finishing this right then . After all ,who wants a big warm , woolly shawl on their lap when it's stinking hot  .

Next up was my Dragonfly socks thanks to Dee . Well I actually did finish those .There had been no change in the weather so of course I looked for something small to work on . Right about then I did my big stash cleanup and came across the Cherry Lane sock pattern . Good cause , I have yarn , so there you go , another pair of socks on the needles .

Well , sad to say they haven't changed all that much since this picture was taken  . I still haven't gotten to the heel portion of the second sock . They were put on hold because I decided that my most immediate concern should be to knit a sweater for Mason .

I had bought yarn last year with a project in mind so I didn't even have to go out and buy some . This  all fits in with my intention of sticking to a yarn diet . He's growing like a weed and if I didn't start soon I wouldn't be able to use the yarn I had bought last year . You see where this is going ...

Those are just the works in progress . Let's not mention the UFOs that I came across when I was sorting out the stash .