That's what I should really call this blog . Long story short , the day after my last post I fell and broke my wrist . I was fortunate that I didn't require surgery and just had to wear a cast for 6 weeks . All this just before our trip to Florida , our grand daughter Stella's birthday and our concerns for our other sweet pea Charlie . Charlie's condition has much improved . The diagnosis in the end was something called
cerebellitis , a slight swelling of the cerebellum , usually caused by some kind of virus . The prognosis is that she will outgrown the tremours but she will be followed up by the neurologists at the Montreal Children's hospital . The condition is very rare in such a young child and since the diagnosis was really one of exclusion they want to be sure that all continues to be well with her .Our heartfelt thanks for all the concern and prayers for Charlie, it means more than you could imagine .
This morning a very colourful package from
Dee arrived in my mailbox . I was completely surprised and delighted by the contents . Inside were these absolutely gorgeous socks , a pair that I had admired on her blog. They are even more beautiful in reality and they fit perfectly . I had a wonderful visit with Dee last year on our trip to Florida . This year thanks to my broken wrist and not being able to drive we couldn't manage to get together in person . Thank you Dee , I love them !
My wrist has healed and the cast has come off . I have some mobility issues but physio should help . Oddly enough despite all that knitting is not a problem . I even managed to knit a little with the cast on . Updates on that next time . I promise it won't be so long between posts ...
Have a wonderful weekend and Happy Mother's Day to all the moms !