Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Birthday boy

Well I'm still here...barely . This month has been exceptionally busy so I really haven't had time to blog , read blogs or knit for that matter . The progress on Mike's socks is ever so slow .When I do have a few minutes I'm just too tired to concentrate on knitting . I'm hoping that changes soon , I'd really like to get my groove back , knitting and otherwise.

Yesterday we celebrated Max's birthday.Both the boys and their ladies were here for dinner and birthday cake . I so enjoyed having them all here . We always had family dinners when they were growing up and I'm so glad that they're still always happy to share a meal and spend some time together . Those past dinners were not always harmonious , Casey and Max have very different personalities and believe me they did their share of arguing and fighting , but I believe those dinners strengthened the family ties . I'm so very happy that they found their way to being friends as well as brothers . The bonus is that both Stefanie and Chantal have also become friends .

Anyway , enough of that sappy stuff , I've got to get back to my never-ending fence painting . I really think that there's some vindictive little garden elf that comes in the dead of night and keeps making that d*** fence longer . Yesterday I ran out of paint with only about 10 boards left to paint . I tell you there is an elf !

Thursday, September 20, 2007

One of those days

This comic strip "Dog eat Doug" by Brian Anderson always makes me smile . Today's strip works for me - I think I'll go back to bed ... the birthday month is wearing me out !

Friday, September 14, 2007

My constant companion

This morning, as I'm trying to read some blogs and write a post , Bingo decided that my lap was a very convenient place to take a snooze . Who does he think he is - a cat ? This is his patient " don't you think it's time to get off the computer and take me for a walk " look .

So short and sweet - no knitting progress to show . I'm almost at the heel on the second sock . My dad is arriving for a visit on October 2nd . I'm trying to clear up his room (my spare bedroom) so that he has a bed to sleep on. at the moment that room seems to be the catch-all for Max's stuff . He and Stef have been out buying all the necessities for the big move to their new house and storing a lot of it here .I feel like this house will implode soon .

To make matters worse that room also holds my yarn stash . Yesterday I started re-organizing it . That was a big reality check . You know how it is , you buy one ball here, a couple there and before you know it you have a roomful . Sort of like those extra pounds creep up on your waistline . I think I'm going to have to go on a yarn diet for a while or knit a bit more and faster .

Oh well , off to walk the dogs ... Bingo thinks it's about time !

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Apple picking season....

Leads to apple baking .... when you don't have knitting , show them dessert ! Coffee and tea are always on....

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Tea and knitting

I have so many things that I should be doing, but I'm having a lazy morning , having that extra cuppa and knitting Mike's socks . One down and the second one started.

The mornings have been a little cool and crisp lately . The grass & flowers are shiny with dew . The afternoons are just gorgeous , warm but not hot , cloudless skies . Perfect September weather ! By the time the end of August rolls around I'm ready for a change of season . I need a respite from the summer heat and humidity . Luckily here in Canada we have four seasons , though Spring and Summer seem to be relatively short-lived here and the Winter overly long , by the time you're tired of one there's a change coming . I can't say that I could really pick a favourite season , each one has its merits , but to me there's something special about the Fall . I love the vibrant Fall colours , the pungent smell of the wildflowers , the markets flooded with produce , that last bursts of colour in the garden . The sky is so blue in contrast to the leaves . These last beautiful days reminded me of and to appreciate all that I have . In the busyness of life I sometimes forget that and complain about the small stuff .