I had such a blast going out with these girls .The group included Stef's mom and step mom , her stepsister and all the bridesmaids and maid of honour . Talk about dress shopping by committee . She ended up buying the first dress she tried on . The saleslady knew what she was doing when she chose dresses for her to try on , she was so helpful . Stef looked absolutely gorgeous ! I have some pics of her with the dress on after it was bought , but won't post them . I don't want to let the cat out of the bag . Max will be blown off his feet when he sees her walking down the aisle . I'm touched that Stef included me in all the fun , she's such a sweetie .
The other exciting news for us is that the long search for a new car is finally over . It's actually a "pre-owned "car , but new to us . We've been looking for an affordable and decent second hand car to replace our ancient (1994 ) Jeep Cherokee that we used to pull our trailer and was Mike's vehicle for his fishing trips . Our main car is a much smaller , more fuel efficient car that 's adequate for all our everyday needs , it just can't pull the trailer . We ended up with another Jeep , a 2006 Liberty with hardly any mileage on it . While it's not the most fuel efficient car the upside or rationalisation for us is it will not be used everyday , only for our camping and Mike's fishing trips . In some ways this purchase presents us with an ethical dilemma ,vis-a -vis living our lives to leave a smaller carbon footprint . On the surface it doesn't look good , but we are very conscious of what we do and how it affects the planet . Mike works locally and bikes to work a good part of the year . We've made other significant changes in our lifestyle , but really love our camping trips which are our main vacations each year . Can you tell this is making me feel very guilty ...

Love your Donyale socks! They are gorgeous!
Glad you had such a lovely time on your bridal gown trip. The MOG doesn't usually get to do all that fun stuff!
Glad that dress shopping turned out to be such a breeze. Congrats on the new vehicle. The socks look great! I, too, have a pair on the needles that don't count for SOS. Oh, well. I didn't enter any of the contests anyways. :)
Have a nice weekend!
Congrats for your marriage. So happy for you, too want to see the photo of your wedding dress.
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