Thursday, April 29, 2010

Let the bells ring !

They're done !!!! Thanks in large part to a snowy Tuesday and the NHL playoffs .

The Montreal Canadiens played their hearts out last night , one game from elimination . I was kept glued to my seat for the duration of the game , it was that exciting . I swear the more intense the game became the faster I knit . I'm so glad the Habs survived to play in the next round . I'm even more glad that these socks are finally off the needles .

Specs :

Pattern : Summer Lovin' Socks by Knitting Nonstop. I knit them on 2,00 mm dpns . The yarn was Regia 4ply , colour 1092 , which is a really bright green . It is a very nice pattern , but I have issues with the fit . I found them to be a little loose . Looking at others on Ravelry I didn't see anyone with that issue so it's probably that I knit looser than most even on 2,00mm needles . I wasn't going down another needle size no matter what . I'm hoping that the intended recipient likes them and that they fit her better than they did me .

Monday, April 26, 2010

Chugging along

Well so much for my good intentions of blocking the shawl this weekend . Friday night I came down with a doozy of a cold leaving me fit for absolutely nothing . I spent most of the weekend hacking , emptying out kleenex boxes , and snoozing when I could because the cough has just about worn me out . I barely made it through our Sunday brunch with the family . I hate coming down with a cold but getting one at this time of year ,when there's so much that needs to be done outside , really ticks me off . Of course we had perfect weather for garden work this weekend . They're calling for flurries for tomorrow and we'll be seeing a drastic drop in temps .

At least I feel well enough to tackle some knitting today. Here's the progress on the second green sock . Another half repeat of the pattern and then comes the heel turn . Yay ! I seems like once you get to that point it's relatively smooth sailing to the toe and a pair of finished socks . They just have to be done for Friday to make it for the April KAL . Yes I can , yes I can , yes I can , said the little engine that could ....

Friday, April 23, 2010

A finished knit

No it's not my green socks . I'm still not feeling the love for them . Actually the Brandywine shawl has been off the needles since last weekend . Haven't blogged about it because I've been swept away by Ishbel which I cast on immediately after Brandywine was off the needles . What can I say, I'm in a shawl knitting mood .
I love , love , love this shawl . The pattern , the yarn , the reversible i-cord cast off , which was a new technique for me . The colour in the photo just doesn't do it justice .It really is more a dark wine colour interspersed with sort of copper tones .It still needs blocking before it sent on its way to my aunt in Austria . Hopefully it will get done this weekend , blocking is such a chore for me .
Next week onward to the dreaded green socks . I CAN finish them , yes I can , yes I can ....

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A perfect Spring day

Mike and I spent a glorious day hiking at Parc Oka just north of Montreal . It's only an hours drive from Montreal but feels like it's a million miles away from the hustle and bustle of the city . I'm amazed at how many of the flowers are already coming out this early in April . We were dead tired when we came back but we couldn't have asked for a better day ...

Friday, April 9, 2010


The last time I posted here was on the 29th of March . A blogaversary has come and gone as has Easter . What can I say except that life has been full with never a dull moment . Jessey has been sick yet again and has spent most of his weekdays with me . That'll keep you busy ! He's on the mend but I hope that his immune system picks up so he can fight off the mighty daycare germs . Here's some pics of the little monkey taken over Easter weekend . Here he is sharing his Easter chocolate with Gizmo , who you can see at the bottom right of the photo . Shes always trying to mooch something and Jessey is usually quite happy to share .

Here he is going down the new slide that Grandpa and Omi bought . You might get the idea that we are just about ready to open our own home daycare . Mike keeps telling me that I've got to stop buying baby stuff . I live in hope for more grand kids so it won't go to waste . It's like the Scout motto "be prepared " . That's my story and I'm sticking to it ...

Knitting wise there's not much new to show . My right shoulder has been really sore , reason unknown , but knitting isn't helping it .Consequently I'm only working on the shawl for a few minutes at a time so there's not much more to show . The green socks are hibernating at the moment . I 've fallen out of love with that project . Trying to get my mojo back where they're concerned , but it seems that I'm in a shawl knitting mood these days . I broke my vow to knit only from stash and bought some new yarn . I was feeling a little deprived that day so indulged in a couple of new purchases . Two of these are for shawls and the others are an attempt to get the sock love back . More on that in another post .
Thanks for stopping by and have a good weekend !