Thursday, July 7, 2011

A berry good day to bake

Years ago I planted a Saskatoon Berry  'stick' and waited many a year before getting any kind of crop . The stick is now about 10 feet tall and provides an abundance of berries . We love them , the taste is kind of like blueberry with a hint of apple , but the robins REALLY love them . The robins are more vigilant than I am and eat them up as fast as they ripen making it darn near impossible for us to get our fair share . On Tuesday evening I  noticed the robins sitting on the fence near the berry bush and thought I'd go see the state of the berries . Sure enough , there was ripe fruit to be had . Mike and I picked about 8 cups , enough for a couple of pies .

Yesterday was pie making day , thanks to some cool and rainy weather . Hence the rather dark photo . Today is pie eating day , just in time for the family dinner . Yummmm....

The moral of the story ?! You snooze you lose !


Jean said...

Um-umm. Those pies look delish!

CelticCastOn said...

ummm i've never heard of this berry before, they sound interesting!
Enjoy the pie!

Minding My Own Stitches said...

We call them Serviceberry trees - presumably because they are the first to blossom in the spring so their blossoms were traditionally used for flowers at burials services for all those who died over the winter when the ground was too hard to dig graves. Or so I was told.

Yummy pies!

WildflowerWool said...

Sounds yummy!

lexa said...


Donna M said...

Sounds and looks delicious!