Friday, August 31, 2007

Feist: Mushaboom

On a dull grey and foggy Friday morning I thought that I'd share this happy song. Enjoy !

Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Birthday Month !

Can you believe that August is just about over and September is upon us ? September is a very eventful month for us . Hallmark loves us . It seems like everybody and his brother has a birthday then . I guess the romantic feelings flow freely around Christmas and New Years . This year Casey celebrates his 30th BD . Can't believe I'm writing that -most days I don't feel old enough to have a son that age. We're throwing him a surprise bash at a local restaurant . A week later Max is throwing Casey's bachelor party , consisting of golf , dinner and a night out on the town . I'm hoping that none of the boys get too carried away , but the dads are going as well , so they shouldn't get into too much mischief . Right? A week after that it's Max's birthday . My father is coming for a visit at the end of the month . He's anxious to see us all . He has a new family there, but spent most of his life here in Canada and does get a bit homesick for us . He'll turn 78 this year , a day after Max has his 28th .

As for the knitting , I'm working on Mike's socks. I ripped the ones I showed in the last post .I didn't like the way were knitting up . I changed for another pattern and love it . I'm almost done with the gusset decreases . I had to go to the LYS yesterday to buy some solid coloured sock yarn for Marie . While I was there I found a great little book for stitch patterns . This was the volume 2 of the Harmony Guides 450 Knitting Stitches. I'd like to try my hand at designing a sock pattern using one the stitches in the book . Not in September , though !

Monday, August 20, 2007

August socks

The summer of socks is nearly over and I haven't been nearly as productive as I'd hoped . The latest socks off the needles are Cookie's Monkey socks . I was really late to jump on the bandwagon , but after knitting these I can see why the pattern is so popular . The yarn is Trekking XXL , colour 159 . Knit using 2,0mm needles. I was a little disappointed in this colourway as looking at the ball I'd expected a little less striping and more of a random variegated . I feel that it detracts somewhat from the lace pattern . Other than that I'm quite happy with the socks. I learned something new while knitting this . In the instructions for the gusset you knit the picked up stitches into the back loop . I'd never done that but love how tidy it makes your heel . You learn something new all the time !

Currently on the needles are a pair of socks for DH . He 's somewhat hand knit sock deprived and I have to remedy that situation with Fall just around the corner . I've also made some progress with the Japanese Feather Stole. I've completed 8 of 10 repeats so far . There's really no hurry as I only need to have it completed by December .

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


I can't believe it's almost a week since I last posted . Those lazy, hazy days of summer , might have been hazy this year , but definitely not lazy . I'm still working at the fence painting and a seemingly never-ending battle with the weeds in the flower beds. The goal was to have the fence done by Labour day week-end and I'm about 3/4 done , so the end is in sight .

Mike is back from his fishing trip , about 15lbs lighter. Apparently having to catch your dinner is a guaranteed weight loss method . Maybe I should write a book and contact the media .

While not much knitting has been done lately , my purchasing skills haven't diminished due to fatigue . Witness the yarn purchases - a Fleece Artist Celtic Vest kit and some Colinette Cadenza yarn that that will eventually become a scarf . I've had my eye on the Celtic vest for a while , but after seeing a couple of in progress/ finished ones on Ravelry , I succumbed to temptation . Now if I could just get some WIP off the needles I wouldn't feel so guilty . I'm supposed to be simplifying / downsizing - whatever .

The big news this week however is .... Max and Stefanie are buying a house ! The funny thing is that he and Casey will be neighbours of sorts , three houses down the street . I find it hilarious , considering how much they used to fight when they were kids , that they'll be living that close to each other. Max is planning a painting week-end after the closing . Here I'd thought that my house building , renovation week-ends were over -lol ! It's kind of bittersweet - I'm happy for them , but I'll have an empty nest . What will I do with all that spare time and an extra bedroom and less clutter ? KNIT !

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Mail !

Late Monday afternoon I received my socks from the Sockapalooza 4 sock exchange . I have to say that my pal Sheri was so very generous. All this was put into that gorgeous box with the lighthouse on it . As Sheri's from Nova Scotia the lighthouse card and box are delightful souvenirs of that beautiful province . She was so thoughtful in her choice of yarn and pattern . The yarn has aloe vera and jojoba oil in it making for the very softest socks . I smiled when I saw the pattern titled Belle-Maman ( French for Mother-in-law) . It is by a Quebec designer and one I had already book-marked for future socks. She also included these freshwater pearl stitch markers made by Aija from zeromarkers . To satisfy my sweet tooth she also put in these yummy chocolates. The key chain has already been added to my keyring and last but not least - more sock yarn . Kroy sock yarn to be exact in very bright and cheery colours . I'll be casting on soon with it .

Sheri - thank you so very much ! They fit so perfectly and I really love everything about them . You're just the best sock pal !

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Too Darn Hot !

This is where I plan on spending a good part of the afternoon . Alternating with ....

and drinking lots of this ....

p. s. disregard the date & time shown on the pics . It's not really that sunny here at 12.32 am .