Done, done , done and just in the nick of time . It seems that knitting a shawl and watching the Olympics leads to a lot of unknitting in my case . It really should have been finished sooner except for the fact that one row of the spider lace pattern gave me no end of problems . I kept repeating the same mistake over and over again . Anyway it's done , but still needs to be blocked . I ended up doing only 10 repeats of the main pattern . The finished size looks to be just what I'd hoped for .
I'm sorry that the Olympics are over . There were so many memorable moments from Alex Bilodeau starting Canada's run for gold to Joannie Rochette's performance through personal tragedy right through to the last event , the Canada versus USA hockey game . What a nail biter that was ! Not to mention all the athletes from the world over who gave us their best performances and were a thrill to watch .
I'll be away from the computer for a few days . I'll be replacing my former boss who's taking a week off for March break . It's a family run retail business and none of regular employees are available early in the week . I'm a little nervous , having the responsibility of keeping things running even if it's just for a week . Wish me luck !