This would be the major reason for the blog being so quiet this month . The needles were clicking right along with Christmas knitting. Well the big night (we celebrate Christmas Eve ) has come and gone and all the recipients (except one, who'll get hers shortly ) are happily wearing their hand knits. You can tell that I had just a bit of Noro in the stash . BTW the Noro striped scarf is just one scarf , couldn't decide which pic I liked best so posted both . This scarf was for Casey , who since his teens, wouldn't wear Mom's knits. Something about cool factor . Well he definitely likes this .Who'd a thought it possible - knitting and hand knits are now cool !
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
This would be the major reason for the blog being so quiet this month . The needles were clicking right along with Christmas knitting. Well the big night (we celebrate Christmas Eve ) has come and gone and all the recipients (except one, who'll get hers shortly ) are happily wearing their hand knits. You can tell that I had just a bit of Noro in the stash . BTW the Noro striped scarf is just one scarf , couldn't decide which pic I liked best so posted both . This scarf was for Casey , who since his teens, wouldn't wear Mom's knits. Something about cool factor . Well he definitely likes this .Who'd a thought it possible - knitting and hand knits are now cool !
Monday, December 3, 2007
Snow Day !
Friday, November 30, 2007
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Going to the Dogs...
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
One done , one in progress ...
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
A finished knit !
Monday, October 29, 2007
An emotional week-end
My dad left Saturday evening . I found it to be a more emotional goodbye this time. My father can be a difficult person sometimes and we don't always get along .This visit he was more accommodating and understanding . I guess age is mellowing both of us somewhat.
Yesterday afternoon I paid a quick visit to Max & Stef 's to try and take some pics of the new puppy , Zeus . I'm not crazy about the name but I just love this little guy already . Alaska can't quite figure out what the fuss is all about ... he's cute but if you want handsome , here I am !
Finally got some knitting done . I'll have some pictures for the next post .
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Randomness (if that's a word )
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Catching up !
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
On the fly
Today my father arrives for a visit . He's flying in from Austria and will stay until the end of October . Needless to say , he's anxious to see us all. Casey and Max are especially looking forward to showing off their new homes . As of last Thursday Max and Stefanie are officially mortgage holders and home owners . We spent last week-end at their house painting it from top to bottom . Both families showed up en masse to help , so everything painting wise was done by Sunday evening . Max is changing all the mouldings and baseboards. He'll be doing that every evening after work , hoping to get done by next Saturday, which is moving day. I'll be going over to paint the trim , whenever I get a spare minute in the next few days.
I'm really , really , really hoping that next week I'll have a little bit of time to just breathe ....and maybe knit . But oh , I forgot, there's a wedding shower to plan and get going on . What's the old saying " no rest for the wicked ". I must be really bad !
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Birthday boy
Yesterday we celebrated Max's birthday.Both the boys and their ladies were here for dinner and birthday cake . I so enjoyed having them all here . We always had family dinners when they were growing up and I'm so glad that they're still always happy to share a meal and spend some time together . Those past dinners were not always harmonious , Casey and Max have very different personalities and believe me they did their share of arguing and fighting , but I believe those dinners strengthened the family ties . I'm so very happy that they found their way to being friends as well as brothers . The bonus is that both Stefanie and Chantal have also become friends .
Anyway , enough of that sappy stuff , I've got to get back to my never-ending fence painting . I really think that there's some vindictive little garden elf that comes in the dead of night and keeps making that d*** fence longer . Yesterday I ran out of paint with only about 10 boards left to paint . I tell you there is an elf !
Thursday, September 20, 2007
One of those days
Friday, September 14, 2007
My constant companion
So short and sweet - no knitting progress to show . I'm almost at the heel on the second sock . My dad is arriving for a visit on October 2nd . I'm trying to clear up his room (my spare bedroom) so that he has a bed to sleep on. at the moment that room seems to be the catch-all for Max's stuff . He and Stef have been out buying all the necessities for the big move to their new house and storing a lot of it here .I feel like this house will implode soon .
To make matters worse that room also holds my yarn stash . Yesterday I started re-organizing it . That was a big reality check . You know how it is , you buy one ball here, a couple there and before you know it you have a roomful . Sort of like those extra pounds creep up on your waistline . I think I'm going to have to go on a yarn diet for a while or knit a bit more and faster .
Oh well , off to walk the dogs ... Bingo thinks it's about time !
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Apple picking season....
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Tea and knitting
Friday, August 31, 2007
Feist: Mushaboom
On a dull grey and foggy Friday morning I thought that I'd share this happy song. Enjoy !
Thursday, August 30, 2007
The Birthday Month !
As for the knitting , I'm working on Mike's socks. I ripped the ones I showed in the last post .I didn't like the way were knitting up . I changed for another pattern and love it . I'm almost done with the gusset decreases . I had to go to the LYS yesterday to buy some solid coloured sock yarn for Marie . While I was there I found a great little book for stitch patterns . This was the volume 2 of the Harmony Guides 450 Knitting Stitches. I'd like to try my hand at designing a sock pattern using one the stitches in the book . Not in September , though !
Monday, August 20, 2007
August socks
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Mike is back from his fishing trip , about 15lbs lighter. Apparently having to catch your dinner is a guaranteed weight loss method . Maybe I should write a book and contact the media .
While not much knitting has been done lately , my purchasing skills haven't diminished due to fatigue . Witness the yarn purchases - a Fleece Artist Celtic Vest kit and some Colinette Cadenza yarn that that will eventually become a scarf . I've had my eye on the Celtic vest for a while , but after seeing a couple of in progress/ finished ones on Ravelry , I succumbed to temptation . Now if I could just get some WIP off the needles I wouldn't feel so guilty . I'm supposed to be simplifying / downsizing - whatever .
The big news this week however is .... Max and Stefanie are buying a house ! The funny thing is that he and Casey will be neighbours of sorts , three houses down the street . I find it hilarious , considering how much they used to fight when they were kids , that they'll be living that close to each other. Max is planning a painting week-end after the closing . Here I'd thought that my house building , renovation week-ends were over -lol ! It's kind of bittersweet - I'm happy for them , but I'll have an empty nest . What will I do with all that spare time and an extra bedroom and less clutter ? KNIT !
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Mail !
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Too Darn Hot !
This is where I plan on spending a good part of the afternoon . Alternating with ....
and drinking lots of this ....
p. s. disregard the date & time shown on the pics . It's not really that sunny here at 12.32 am .
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Get more sangria
I've been in a bit of a funk lately and can't seem to focus on anything. It seems that my get-up-and go got -up-and-went ! It's been hot and humid here this week and I don't deal well with it . It just saps all my energy . Mike has gone fishing up to James Bay (way , way the heck up in northern Quebec) which is so not my cup of tea. Too many black flies , bears and a diet of mostly fish , plus no yarn shops. With all this spare time on my hands ( no meals to prepare , less laundry) I decided that this might be a good time to paint the fence surrounding our backyard . Then comes the heat, seeing as it's July it shouldn't be a surprise , which is making me so cranky and out of sorts. So long story short , no knitting progress, half-painted fence and one very tired and cranky woman . Note to self - Get more sangria and find some shade !