Wednesday, December 26, 2007


This would be the major reason for the blog being so quiet this month . The needles were clicking right along with Christmas knitting. Well the big night (we celebrate Christmas Eve ) has come and gone and all the recipients (except one, who'll get hers shortly ) are happily wearing their hand knits. You can tell that I had just a bit of Noro in the stash . BTW the Noro striped scarf is just one scarf , couldn't decide which pic I liked best so posted both . This scarf was for Casey , who since his teens, wouldn't wear Mom's knits. Something about cool factor . Well he definitely likes this .Who'd a thought it possible - knitting and hand knits are now cool !
On reflection of the year past , it has been a good year. There were some challenges and sometimes I've felt like I'm on an emotional roller coaster ride , but we are a very fortunate family in so many ways . We have all our necessities of life and then some left over for things like a wool stash . Most importantly though ,we have each other and some very dear friends . I've lived with some losses over the years and realize that we only have today so we should try to make the most of it . I'm generally a private person , which makes it surprising that I even started blogging in the first place . So , for whoever reads this blog please forgive this lapse into sentimentality ; it's the season and I couldn't help myself . That's my story and I'm sticking to it .
After writing this I'll start packing for our week away from snow and Casey's wedding . Great idea to have a wedding in the Caribbean in January ! So on that note I wish everyone who reads this a very happy, healthy and wonderful New Year - catch you in 2008 !

Monday, December 3, 2007

Snow Day !

It's official , winter is here ! We're having a good old-fashioned snow storm today . I spent a couple of hours digging out to be promptly plowed back in by the plough . Luckily our neighbour has a snow blower and he very kindly cleared the end of the driveway for me . I usually shovel it myself because I have the time and like the exercise, but this dump of snow was too much for me. It's been snowing all day but seems to be easing off now . More tomorrow and Wednesday . Looks like we'll be having a white Christmas this year.

It's been a great day to sit inside and knit and listen to Christmas songs, which is what I've been doing in between going out to shovel snow . I finished one of a pair mittens that and have started on the second one . Tonight will continue on Casey's scarf . I sent out the scarf for the Ravelry scarf exchange yesterday . The only pic I have of it is wrapped up in that shiny red package . Yep , so anxious to send it out didn't take any other photos . Something else that 's now official - I'm losing my mind/memory .

Friday, November 30, 2007


Well I've gone from random to scattered ! Is that progress ? On some fronts life is just rolling right along in a good way . Other aspects not so much . Preparations for Casey and Chantal's wedding are going along well . Christmas shopping is mostly all done . I've decided to cut back on all the usual Christmas baking . I'll still do some but mostly to give as gifts. On the not so much side , my friend Marie's health is really deteriorating and I'm really worried that something might happen to her while we're away . I might not worry as much if her morale were better, but she's going through a rough patch right now . The holidays are always difficult for seniors living alone but this year seems to be worse for her . I've made arrangements for someone to check in on her while we're gone and get her meals and groceries etc. organized , but I still worry . Keeping fingers crossed !

Oh boy does it feel cold this morning ! It seems like we've jumped from an exceptionally nice autumn directly to winter . We've had a bit of snow off and on since last week and there's more to come this week-end. It makes for treacherous walks with the pooches , especially Alaska and Zeus as they tend to walk me rather than the other way around . They're all back to good health , thank god , because getting them to take the meds was a challenge . Zeus is growing so fast , I'm wondering how big he'll be when he's full grown . Quite the size I think as he's got humongous paws. He's just one big ball of energy ; sometimes I think Alaska wishes Max would bring him back to the SPCA because he never gets tired of goofing around .
Knitting progress is on the not so much side of the balance sheet . I am knitting just not finishing . I ripped out 2 WIPs and will re-knit hopefully to get them done before Christmas . One was the Calorimetry and mittens to match. I wasn't happy with either so rip , rip , rip . The very good knit is the scarf for the Ravelry scarf exchange . Done and blocked and being sent this week-end - just in the nick of time! I have another scarf on the needles and the poor Monkey socks , which seem destined to just languish in my knitting basket. So much for the sock a month KAL . My stole is just this much from being finished . I still have almost a month before it really has to come off the needles . I live in hope !

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Going to the Dogs...

Literally . Some days I think I should open up a doggie daycare and at least get some wool money for taking care of all the dogs in my life. Most of whom don't belong to me , but that's what moms do . Max's new puppy is recovering very well from his bout with kennel cough. Unfortunately , Alaska , and now Bingo are each taking their turns with it . I spent the better part of last week going over to Max's and dosing Zeus , which proved to be quite the challenge . Smart dog found more ways to fool me into thinking he'd taken his meds and then spitting out the pills as soon as my back was turned . Couldn't even fool him with putting the pills in various disguises ( treats) . Alaska and Bingo are not as sick as the little guy was but I'll be glad when they're back to being healthy .

Knitting continues . Thank god otherwise I think I'd really lose it . I've done the 10 repeats on the Japanese Feather stole , but I think I'll do a couple more as it seem to be a little on the short side . I'm also still working on the Monkey socks as well as a Christmas gift for Chantal . I'll take some photos when the ends are all sewn in . I tend to put that off till the last minute .

On Friday I received a very nice package containing this terrific box bag bag . I ordered this from Catherine's etsy shop zigzagstitches . It's such a great bag , the perfect size for a sock in progress . Because this was her 100th sale she was kind enough to add a needle case which also fits in the bag . Totally unexpected , but very much appreciated . Go visit .

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

One done , one in progress ...

Christmas knitting is well underway chez nous . I finished this scarf the other day The weather finally co-operated enabling me to get this outdoor shot instead of the usual boring indoor-on-the kitchen-table pic . That would be the next one. This is the " One Row Hand spun " scarf pattern a la Yarn Harlot . A very nice reversible scarf pattern and though this isn't hand spun yarn I'm really happy with the scarf. The yarn is Luxury Collection Alpaca Peru . This was my first time knitting with alpaca, but certainly won't be my last.

I still have the Monkey socks on the go but decided that the time has finally come to take the Japanese Feather Stole of the back burner . Casey & Chantal's wedding is fast approaching and I need to get it done. If I dedicate at least a couple of hours a day I could conceivably get it done by next week . Being as that these needles are always restless , it'll be quite a challenge to keep from casting on another knit. Think I'm up to it ?

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

A finished knit !

Looks like the knitting mojo is slowly returning. I actually have a finished knit to show ; actually technically 2 knits , but only one Christmas gift . This hat and scarf are intended for Max . Of my two sons he's the one who really appreciates the hand knits . This isn't a great picture of the colour , nicer in reality . I'll have to improve my picture taking skills. The scarf pattern is the Corrugator scarf . I loved it , it was just what the doctor ordered to get my knitting groove back .

Today is just the most beautiful warm and sunny day .So unusual for the end of October . I just came back from along walk with
Bingo and Alaska . Max has brought the new puppy in to see the vet at the SPCA . Little guy is coughing and sneezing quite a bit . He called to say the diagnosis is kennel cough , so he'll need a round of antibiotics . Apparently the mucus discharge is contagious , but only if the other animal has direct contact . I'm keeping my fingers crossed that none of the other dogs get sick .

Better start getting ready for the Halloween onslaught . We should have lots of kiddies tonight with such a mild night . Happy Haunting !

Monday, October 29, 2007

An emotional week-end

Well I survived the week-end ! It was exhausting but fun . The wedding shower went very well . Casey and Chantal had no idea and were totally surprised . They received a set of very nice luggage which will obviously be put to good use quite soon . There's also a bit of cash which I'm sure will come in handy one way or another . Chantal has a large family and it was nice to get to meet more of them . We had more than enough food so we divided up the leftovers with friends and family . Al in all , a success.

My dad left Saturday evening . I found it to be a more emotional goodbye this time. My father can be a difficult person sometimes and we don't always get along .This visit he was more accommodating and understanding . I guess age is mellowing both of us somewhat.

Yesterday afternoon I paid a quick visit to Max & Stef 's to try and take some pics of the new puppy , Zeus . I'm not crazy about the name but I just love this little guy already . Alaska can't quite figure out what the fuss is all about ... he's cute but if you want handsome , here I am !

Finally got some knitting done . I'll have some pictures for the next post .

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Randomness (if that's a word )

Today's chuckle brought to you by "Rhymes with Orange " by Hilary Price . I think she's got the right idea !

Life is still crazy here , but I 've decided to take a little " me" time this morning . The housework and all the other obligations can take a back seat for a couple of hours while I try to catch up on the blogs and snag some knitting time. I've started another pair of Monkey socks , since it's such an easy pattern to remember and won' t tax my tired brain .

Today the sun is shining and the temps are more seasonable . Most of the leaves are off the trees . Last evening we had the most spectacular sunset and evening sky .
Max and Stef came by last night with a new addition to their household . Since they've moved into the house they've been looking at the SPCA for a buddy for Alaska . They've found a little puppy yesterday , about 3 months old . He's cute as can be , but then aren't all puppies . He's a mixed breed , but looks to be part German Shepherd . All I know is he'll be one big dog when he's grown . They don't have a history as apparently he was found abandoned . He's calm and listens well and the SPCA feel that he will be a good companion for Alaska who so far has given his seal of approval . I'll post a pic when he stands still long enough for me to take one .

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Catching up !

I have just a few minutes today to write a post . Life has just been too busy lately .It also doesn't help that I've got a case of the blahs , which always seems to hit me in October . I usually get a humdinger of a cold to accompany the blahs , but have escaped so far . The unseasonably warm weather has probably helped to stave it off. No complaints as this will lower the heating costs unless we later get unusually harsh winter weather . Keeping fingers crossed for a mild winter.
My father has been here a couple of weeks and that means little time to myself with meal preparation and extra visitors and just in general catching up . The house is always full and in all honesty I'll be glad for a little peace and quiet . Don't I sound like a grump !
Max and Stefanie 's move into their new house went very well . It's such a cute little place and they've made it very homey and welcoming . Alaska has adjusted well to his new digs too , but I miss him lots . I usually go over to walk him during the day and he goes crazy when he hears me open the door . He knows a walk is coming .
Mike's socks are finally done and I took a quick pic of the socks on the feet . These were started at the end of August and only completed on October 16th . So much for the SAM KAL. I hope that things will settle down once my Dad leaves and the shower for Chantal and Casey is over . One more week - hope I survive !

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

On the fly

Well the birthday month is over ! Think that life will quieten down enough to get some knitting in ? Not so much... Mike's socks , the Japanese Feather stole , all still on hold . That's not even mentioning a scarf that's been on hiatus since last spring and the spring things shawl , we won't go there as we're in which season now.

Today my father arrives for a visit . He's flying in from Austria and will stay until the end of October . Needless to say , he's anxious to see us all. Casey and Max are especially looking forward to showing off their new homes . As of last Thursday Max and Stefanie are officially mortgage holders and home owners . We spent last week-end at their house painting it from top to bottom . Both families showed up en masse to help , so everything painting wise was done by Sunday evening . Max is changing all the mouldings and baseboards. He'll be doing that every evening after work , hoping to get done by next Saturday, which is moving day. I'll be going over to paint the trim , whenever I get a spare minute in the next few days.

I'm really , really , really hoping that next week I'll have a little bit of time to just breathe ....and maybe knit . But oh , I forgot, there's a wedding shower to plan and get going on . What's the old saying " no rest for the wicked ". I must be really bad !

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Birthday boy

Well I'm still here...barely . This month has been exceptionally busy so I really haven't had time to blog , read blogs or knit for that matter . The progress on Mike's socks is ever so slow .When I do have a few minutes I'm just too tired to concentrate on knitting . I'm hoping that changes soon , I'd really like to get my groove back , knitting and otherwise.

Yesterday we celebrated Max's birthday.Both the boys and their ladies were here for dinner and birthday cake . I so enjoyed having them all here . We always had family dinners when they were growing up and I'm so glad that they're still always happy to share a meal and spend some time together . Those past dinners were not always harmonious , Casey and Max have very different personalities and believe me they did their share of arguing and fighting , but I believe those dinners strengthened the family ties . I'm so very happy that they found their way to being friends as well as brothers . The bonus is that both Stefanie and Chantal have also become friends .

Anyway , enough of that sappy stuff , I've got to get back to my never-ending fence painting . I really think that there's some vindictive little garden elf that comes in the dead of night and keeps making that d*** fence longer . Yesterday I ran out of paint with only about 10 boards left to paint . I tell you there is an elf !

Thursday, September 20, 2007

One of those days

This comic strip "Dog eat Doug" by Brian Anderson always makes me smile . Today's strip works for me - I think I'll go back to bed ... the birthday month is wearing me out !

Friday, September 14, 2007

My constant companion

This morning, as I'm trying to read some blogs and write a post , Bingo decided that my lap was a very convenient place to take a snooze . Who does he think he is - a cat ? This is his patient " don't you think it's time to get off the computer and take me for a walk " look .

So short and sweet - no knitting progress to show . I'm almost at the heel on the second sock . My dad is arriving for a visit on October 2nd . I'm trying to clear up his room (my spare bedroom) so that he has a bed to sleep on. at the moment that room seems to be the catch-all for Max's stuff . He and Stef have been out buying all the necessities for the big move to their new house and storing a lot of it here .I feel like this house will implode soon .

To make matters worse that room also holds my yarn stash . Yesterday I started re-organizing it . That was a big reality check . You know how it is , you buy one ball here, a couple there and before you know it you have a roomful . Sort of like those extra pounds creep up on your waistline . I think I'm going to have to go on a yarn diet for a while or knit a bit more and faster .

Oh well , off to walk the dogs ... Bingo thinks it's about time !

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Apple picking season....

Leads to apple baking .... when you don't have knitting , show them dessert ! Coffee and tea are always on....

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Tea and knitting

I have so many things that I should be doing, but I'm having a lazy morning , having that extra cuppa and knitting Mike's socks . One down and the second one started.

The mornings have been a little cool and crisp lately . The grass & flowers are shiny with dew . The afternoons are just gorgeous , warm but not hot , cloudless skies . Perfect September weather ! By the time the end of August rolls around I'm ready for a change of season . I need a respite from the summer heat and humidity . Luckily here in Canada we have four seasons , though Spring and Summer seem to be relatively short-lived here and the Winter overly long , by the time you're tired of one there's a change coming . I can't say that I could really pick a favourite season , each one has its merits , but to me there's something special about the Fall . I love the vibrant Fall colours , the pungent smell of the wildflowers , the markets flooded with produce , that last bursts of colour in the garden . The sky is so blue in contrast to the leaves . These last beautiful days reminded me of and to appreciate all that I have . In the busyness of life I sometimes forget that and complain about the small stuff .

Friday, August 31, 2007

Feist: Mushaboom

On a dull grey and foggy Friday morning I thought that I'd share this happy song. Enjoy !

Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Birthday Month !

Can you believe that August is just about over and September is upon us ? September is a very eventful month for us . Hallmark loves us . It seems like everybody and his brother has a birthday then . I guess the romantic feelings flow freely around Christmas and New Years . This year Casey celebrates his 30th BD . Can't believe I'm writing that -most days I don't feel old enough to have a son that age. We're throwing him a surprise bash at a local restaurant . A week later Max is throwing Casey's bachelor party , consisting of golf , dinner and a night out on the town . I'm hoping that none of the boys get too carried away , but the dads are going as well , so they shouldn't get into too much mischief . Right? A week after that it's Max's birthday . My father is coming for a visit at the end of the month . He's anxious to see us all . He has a new family there, but spent most of his life here in Canada and does get a bit homesick for us . He'll turn 78 this year , a day after Max has his 28th .

As for the knitting , I'm working on Mike's socks. I ripped the ones I showed in the last post .I didn't like the way were knitting up . I changed for another pattern and love it . I'm almost done with the gusset decreases . I had to go to the LYS yesterday to buy some solid coloured sock yarn for Marie . While I was there I found a great little book for stitch patterns . This was the volume 2 of the Harmony Guides 450 Knitting Stitches. I'd like to try my hand at designing a sock pattern using one the stitches in the book . Not in September , though !

Monday, August 20, 2007

August socks

The summer of socks is nearly over and I haven't been nearly as productive as I'd hoped . The latest socks off the needles are Cookie's Monkey socks . I was really late to jump on the bandwagon , but after knitting these I can see why the pattern is so popular . The yarn is Trekking XXL , colour 159 . Knit using 2,0mm needles. I was a little disappointed in this colourway as looking at the ball I'd expected a little less striping and more of a random variegated . I feel that it detracts somewhat from the lace pattern . Other than that I'm quite happy with the socks. I learned something new while knitting this . In the instructions for the gusset you knit the picked up stitches into the back loop . I'd never done that but love how tidy it makes your heel . You learn something new all the time !

Currently on the needles are a pair of socks for DH . He 's somewhat hand knit sock deprived and I have to remedy that situation with Fall just around the corner . I've also made some progress with the Japanese Feather Stole. I've completed 8 of 10 repeats so far . There's really no hurry as I only need to have it completed by December .

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


I can't believe it's almost a week since I last posted . Those lazy, hazy days of summer , might have been hazy this year , but definitely not lazy . I'm still working at the fence painting and a seemingly never-ending battle with the weeds in the flower beds. The goal was to have the fence done by Labour day week-end and I'm about 3/4 done , so the end is in sight .

Mike is back from his fishing trip , about 15lbs lighter. Apparently having to catch your dinner is a guaranteed weight loss method . Maybe I should write a book and contact the media .

While not much knitting has been done lately , my purchasing skills haven't diminished due to fatigue . Witness the yarn purchases - a Fleece Artist Celtic Vest kit and some Colinette Cadenza yarn that that will eventually become a scarf . I've had my eye on the Celtic vest for a while , but after seeing a couple of in progress/ finished ones on Ravelry , I succumbed to temptation . Now if I could just get some WIP off the needles I wouldn't feel so guilty . I'm supposed to be simplifying / downsizing - whatever .

The big news this week however is .... Max and Stefanie are buying a house ! The funny thing is that he and Casey will be neighbours of sorts , three houses down the street . I find it hilarious , considering how much they used to fight when they were kids , that they'll be living that close to each other. Max is planning a painting week-end after the closing . Here I'd thought that my house building , renovation week-ends were over -lol ! It's kind of bittersweet - I'm happy for them , but I'll have an empty nest . What will I do with all that spare time and an extra bedroom and less clutter ? KNIT !

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Mail !

Late Monday afternoon I received my socks from the Sockapalooza 4 sock exchange . I have to say that my pal Sheri was so very generous. All this was put into that gorgeous box with the lighthouse on it . As Sheri's from Nova Scotia the lighthouse card and box are delightful souvenirs of that beautiful province . She was so thoughtful in her choice of yarn and pattern . The yarn has aloe vera and jojoba oil in it making for the very softest socks . I smiled when I saw the pattern titled Belle-Maman ( French for Mother-in-law) . It is by a Quebec designer and one I had already book-marked for future socks. She also included these freshwater pearl stitch markers made by Aija from zeromarkers . To satisfy my sweet tooth she also put in these yummy chocolates. The key chain has already been added to my keyring and last but not least - more sock yarn . Kroy sock yarn to be exact in very bright and cheery colours . I'll be casting on soon with it .

Sheri - thank you so very much ! They fit so perfectly and I really love everything about them . You're just the best sock pal !

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Too Darn Hot !

This is where I plan on spending a good part of the afternoon . Alternating with ....

and drinking lots of this ....

p. s. disregard the date & time shown on the pics . It's not really that sunny here at 12.32 am .

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Get more sangria

Well I finally received my invitation to join Ravelry on Friday.It took just about 2 months and it was worth the wait. I've been exploring it a bit and trying to figure out all the features.It seem that it will be a useful tool to record projects , WIPs, browse for info on patterns and yarns . It's great to have so much info in one place.The only downside I can see is that it could take away from knitting time , at least in the beginning as I start to record projects and upload my photos. It's made me painfully aware of how few photos I've taken of finished knits. I seem to give away a lot of my knitting as gifts and forget to take photos. This is probably due to not having a blog till just recently . I have kept a knitting journal of sorts with notes on yarns etc , as well as who the recipients were of any given project . Ravelry is basically a high tech way of doing that with the added ability to share and communicate with other knitters .

I've been in a bit of a funk lately and can't seem to focus on anything. It seems that my get-up-and go got -up-and-went ! It's been hot and humid here this week and I don't deal well with it . It just saps all my energy . Mike has gone fishing up to James Bay (way , way the heck up in northern Quebec) which is so not my cup of tea. Too many black flies , bears and a diet of mostly fish , plus no yarn shops. With all this spare time on my hands ( no meals to prepare , less laundry) I decided that this might be a good time to paint the fence surrounding our backyard . Then comes the heat, seeing as it's July it shouldn't be a surprise , which is making me so cranky and out of sorts. So long story short , no knitting progress, half-painted fence and one very tired and cranky woman . Note to self - Get more sangria and find some shade !

Monday, July 23, 2007

What I did on my summer mini-vacation

It's been quite awhile since I posted . I've been back from Quebec City for a few days and am having some trouble settling back into the routine . I really enjoyed our visit to Quebec , despite the terrible weather . Brenda and Sydney were wonderful hosts who made me feel very welcome, even though I'm not related . They live just a little north of Quebec City proper , but it's just a short 30 minute drive to get into the city . Their house is situated on a hillside and they have a beautiful view if the valleys and mountains across from them . Their heritage is Irish and Scottish and both of their families settled in the region after the Irish famine , so there's a long history there. It was great fun to hear their family stories and meet some of their friends as well .

We had one nice day which we spent exploring the city . The annual summer festival was on so there were loads of tourists in the streets of the old town and parliament hill . Earlier in the day we visited two of Brenda's neighbours . The " girls " as Brenda calls them , never married and loved the area so much they decided to buy some land from Sydney's family . There 's an beautiful old farmhouse ,a barn and the most amazing vegetable and flower gardens. One of the sisters is the animal lover and keeps a horse ,a donkey as well as some hens in the summer . The other sister is the gardener . I enjoyed their hospitality very much and look forward to meeting them again .

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Off to Quebec City

Yesterday evening was just one of those simply gorgeous summer evenings . The was a slight breeze, just enough to lessen the heat and humidity and keep those nasty mosquitoes at bay . I was able to sit and knit on my Japanese feather stole and have completed the third repeat . I'm really loving this pattern , especially the curvy "ditches" in between the lace feathers . For some reason I find them really appealing along with how the pattern itself makes that wavy edge. I have other knits in progress but my hands are continually reaching for this project .

Yesterday was a busy day as I'm preparing for mini-vacation with a girlfriend . We're heading up to Quebec City tomorrow for a few days . She has family there and it's been awhile since she'd been up to see them. I'm sort of tagging along and acting as chauffeur . Quebec , especially the "old town " is so beautiful . It's so filled with history, interesting museums , great restaurants and lots of little boutiques to explore. I'm hoping the weather co-operates and that it won't be too hot and humid or rainy . It'll be a nice break from the routine , no matter the weather . I hoping to discover some yarn shops and come home with a souvenir or two . I'll be back next week , with more pics and knitting updates , because of course the knitting is coming along on the trip .

Monday, July 9, 2007

A wonderful weekend !

Saturday evening Casey and Chantal hosted their first dinner party in their new home. They invited all of us to a BBQ . Casey got his initiation in BBQ grilling . He did a great job with a little help from the dads looking over his shoulders, no pressure there . Chantal outdid herself and provided us with tasty appetizers and delicious main course side dishes. Her dessert however was the piece de resistance. . It was little dark chocolate cups filled with a very light mousse and topped with seasonal fruit and berries soaked in Grand Marnier. We all left with very full tummies . We were so lucky with the weather as just after we'd eaten the heavens opened up and it poured rain.

The rain finally ended late Sunday morning . Mike and I decided to take a little day trip to the nature preserve at Mont St.-Hilaire which is a mountainous little blip in the St. Lawrence river valley . It looks odd in the landscape because all around is flat farmland and good sized towns and villages . When you hike the trails you feel far away from civilization , but really you're only a hop , skip and a jump away from a major city .

This pic is of Lac Hertel which is about halfway up the hill . The second pic is a bit further up and the last one is at a lookout pretty much near the summit . You can see the towns of Otterburn Park and Mont St.-Hilaire just below . It brought back memories of our boys kayaking days . They both kayaked competitively and we spent many a weekend at regattas around Quebec . Both boys paddled numerous times in the Richelieu river which you can see in the last photo. Those were great times!
I've started another sock . You're looking at the Monkey socks by Cookie A . I'm jumping on the bandwagon with these . They're my first knit for the Summer of Socks KAL . I'm late starting , but hey ,who's keeping track . My shawl is progressing well too , I've done two and ahalf repeats so far . I'm enjoying knitting it tremendously . I still haven't cast on for MS3 , too much choice in the stash and can't decide on a colour .