Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Hanging in ...

There's been a lot going on in my life over the last month or so , most of it good and then some not so good . My most heartfelt thanks  for all of the kind comments  that were sent after my last post about Bingo's passing . It was so very much appreciated ! The tears have lessened and I'll cherish the happy memories .

My father arrived from Austria in mid September  for a six week visit . He usually comes every year but missed last year due to health issues , not his own , but his wife's . There have been two new additions to the family since his last visit 2 years go ,  Jessey is a real little boy now , no longer the baby that my father remembers . So there has been  a lot of catching up . We've also celebrated 4 birthdays since he arrived and had more birthday cake than is good for the waistline . Not to mention Thanksgiving and turkey with all the trimmings last week . Suffice to say , I'm all tuckered out and will not be cooking or entertaining for at least a week after my Dad leaves on the 25th ...not so much as a toast , if I can help it .

Knitting wise , not much going on . I've kind of lost the mojo . I did finish the boring grey socks for Mike and have got halfway through another less boring second pair .  I 've been experimenting with crocheting a granny square blanket for a doll , intended as a Christmas gift for Stella , then making a matching blankie for her . I'm hoping that  motivation will strike once things are a little less crazy.

The rest of my Dad's stay promises to be just as crazy as the last month has been . There's just no rest for the wicked !  I shouldn't complain too much because I'll probably miss all the hustle and bustle.  Catch you later !


Minding My Own Stitches said...

Sounds like you need to give yourself a break and just enjoy family. Your knitting mojo will come back when it's ready.

Donna M said...

Have a wonderful visit with your family and the knitting will take care of itself when the time is right.

kathy b said...

I love love love the second pair of sock colorway