Friday, May 29, 2009

Old & New

I haven't been in the mood to blog lately . I'm blaming the funk on the miserable weather. Can you believe that it's the end of May and I'm still wearing socks and shoes , not barefoot with sandals .The heat even went on downstairs the other evening . Looks like summer is happening other places , just not here .

There has been just a little knitting going , but there's mostly been reading , I've even squeezed in some relating to sock knitting . More on that the next post . I'm thinking that willgive me something positive to say, rather than complain about the weather . Here's the long overdue socks . The pattern is a called waterfall rib and the yarn is Trekking . I lost the ball band so don't have the colour # . These are going in the gift basket . They're intended for a birthday or Christmas gift for a friend .
I cast on a new project the other night while watching the new season of "So You Think You Can Dance " . Here's a sneak peek . So far it's easy peasy but the more challenging part comes a bit further on . More next week & next month
In the meantime , have good weekend !


lexa said...

Hmmmm, what can the new project be? Looks like mighty fine yarn!

Donna M said...

FWIW, the weather down here is hateful too. Sunny and hot one day, then 5 days of cold and rainy!